Our Reason

We crossed over from the suburbs to a farm in the country with big, dreamy eyes. We created a magical homeland that offered space for me to manifest my earth mother intentions; raising 3 daughters alongside some dogs, a couple cats and our new baby hens. Life was sweeter and my soul was soaring.
2020 brought us to our knees. A global pandemic and a terminal cancer diagnosis for our youngest daughter ripped us from our expected existence. And 2021 kept us there. Our daughter left us earthside and skipped away to Heaven. Motherhood was my destiny. It has brought me my greatest joy and my deepest gut-wrenching sorrow. But I’ve learned that sorrow and celebration can authentically coexist together. To have both within your heart is not denial but rather a gift…the gift of a messy, wild, brutal and beautiful life. This is my journey and it’s different than planned. But I’m moving forward and attempting to find my Zen.
Zen Hen offers pieces that exist for the good. We feature a mix of curated pieces and custom items created specifically for Zen Hen. We love local, we support sustainable, and we seek out fair trade artisans. To promote sustainability, we try to keep our packaging to a minimum. We ensure our products arrive safely contained and marked but try to avoid the extra fluff and honor our tree hugger roots.

Wonder Willie

We also want to give back. Pediatric brain cancer lacks funding.  On dedicated days, a portion of our proceeds will go directly to the Wonder Willie Foundation. This foundation will donate funds to cutting edge clinical trials specifically targeting children and brain cancer. Your purchase will help us #CLUCKCANCER